The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy and Postpartum.

We caught up with Hemi Vadgama, Director of Enfield Chiropractic Clinic and found out why receiving specialist care during your pregnancy is so important.

Hemi told us ‘‘Pregnancy, whilst it is the most amazing event of your lifetime and a blessing, can place a lot of stress and demands on the body. It causes the release of several hormones in the body which change many internal structures to accommodate the growing baby. This includes the loosening of many joints around the pelvis, aswell as causing the pelvis to tilt. These structural changes position the body in an unusual way that can stress the body, causing the muscles & joints to take up more work. This then results in low back pain, sciatica, or pelvic girdle pain. You may think this is part and parcel of expecting a baby, but this does not have to be the case.

Often by correcting spinal and pelvic alignments using gentle pregnancy specific adjustment techniques. Your body can become comfortable, balanced, and create space in your pelvis where the baby can be held more harmoniously within your body. It’s safe to start getting adjusted at any stage of pregnancy. The sooner you get checked and startcare, the better, as the bigger the impact the treatment is likely to have on your pregnancy, birth and beyond. Not only can you benefit from our expert Chiropractic care and birth plan advice throughout your pregnancy, two of our team of qualified Chiropractors, Dr Hemi Patel and Dr Grace Phang are further certified in The Webster Technique”

Hemi went on to tell us, “this technique is a gentle way of ensuring the biomechanics of the pelvis are relaxed and moving in the healthiest manner ahead of labour. This technique will often help baby to move more freely inside the womb finding it much easier to engage its head down in the correct position ahead of the birth. Hemi goes on to tell us the other benefits of seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care before, during and after pregnancy are

• Better alignment of spine and pelvis, creates better balance and movement helping baby to

get into more optimal position for pregnancy and birth.

• Reduced likelihood of pain such as low back pain, sciatica, or pelvic girdle pain

• Significantly reduce birthing time in 24% of first time mums and 39% of experienced mums.

• The average weight gain in mums to be is around 25 to 30 pounds. Ensuring you are functioning optimally means you are in the best shape possible throughout your pregnancy to help you to adapt to all the physical changes that occur.

• New mums – also benefit from Chiropractic care as they still have hormones that maketheir ligaments weaker, and they are now lifting and bending to look after a new baby. There is additional risk of joint pain arising from post partum arthritis which can be triggered due to overactive immune system that results post pregnancy in all postpartum women

You can book in a call with Dr Hemi here: Enfield Chiropractor


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